Monday, March 30, 2009


I think that I finally figured out the comments issue.  So feel free to try and let me know.  

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hi I am Joanna Reynolds, and my son has asthma!

They say that admitting you have a problem is the first step to overcoming that problem. 

...My oldest son Connor has asthma and he had a pretty bad flare up this past week because of a cold he got over the weekend.  There is nothing more humbling then laying next to your child, listening to him breath and just waiting for him to wake up with another coughing attack.  
He was diagnosed with asthma when he was just over 1 year old.  I don't have asthma, Ryan doesn't have asthma, so how did our son get it ? Well apparently just about everyone else in our family does.  And because I don't have it, it is hard to understand what it is doing to him when he gets sick.  
From being up with him all night to waiting in a hospital room the next day and an appointment with his pediatrician the day after that I have come to this conclusion...My son has asthma and I have been ignoring that fact for the last 2 years.  
The word denial keeps coming up in my mind.  What do I need to learn from this?  I am learning that just walking over the problem doesn't clean it up.  That I need to embrace the solution instead of fighting it and thinking the problem can fix itself.  And I am not just talking about Connor's medicine.  What other areas of my life need to be as eye opening as Connor's asthma attack before I get it, before I make the right changes?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Seven Year Itch?

This past Monday Ryan and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary.  It's hard to believe that so much time has gone by in our marriage.  A lot has changed and time seems to go by very quickly.  We are now parents to two wonderful little boys, that alone makes time go by fast.  

With all the changes that life has brought our way I feel like life might finally start to slow down a little.  And maybe we can finally be in a place where we can focus more on each other and less on what is going on around us.  The our external environment may not change all that much, but my attitude can.  

Here's to a lifetime of more anniversaries.  Happy Anniversary Ryan...Love you babe!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

My First Blog!

For a while now I have been tracking the blogs of a few friends and really enjoying the thought, creativity and connection I have with them through those blogs.  So I thought why not give it a shot.  I don't know who will read this, but here I am entering into the world of blog...and all I hope is that I have something good to say and that I don't make a bunch of grammar and spelling mistakes.