Monday, May 18, 2009

...Asking...Seeking...and Knocking!

At our Wednesday night lifegroup during prayer request time I asked for prayer for Ryan and his job search from leaving the military and entering back into the civilian job market.  When we stopped and started seeking the Lord in that time a prayer was prayed for Ryan saying, "God directs the steps of the righteous man."  And that stayed with me.  Like God was saying pay attention to that because that is what he needs to hear from Me and you will have to say that to him again and again until I have answered your prayer.  And of course a few nights later I had to remind Ryan of prayer.

At church on Sat night...Vannessa started to speak before worship of  something someone shared with her about faith, and how we seem to ask God for more faith for this, or more faith for that.  What we should be doing instead is seeking after the Lord to help us perfect the faith that we have.  After all, all God said was that we need to have faith the size of a mustard seed.  

And again I got a reminder tonight of how God is trying to speak to me...and that I need to just stop and listen...(thanks Candie for posting that clip).  

...So, if you read this and you pray...pray for Ryan's steps to be guided by God, who is the righteous one.  And for our faith to be used to it's capacity...sold out to the God who never fails or waivers.  And for us to take the time to listen now before it's too late and we have to be "spiritually smacked." 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Fun Times with the Kiddos

Since I just learned how to put pictures on here...

Brady loving his first bounce house experience

All the kiddos climbing all over eachother

Izzy Bizzy

Silly Face Connor

Brady Boy

Princess Zoey

Izzy and Amanda about to go down the slide

Me and my silly boys who can't smile normal or look at the camera

Princess and Nichole posing for a cute

See what I mean about the silly smile!!!  Goofy

The next day I had all the kids over to help out their mommies and I just had to document my insanity.

We had a blast at Jumping Joeys.  The kids get to run around and be kids and I get to act like one too.  Is there anything better!