Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Saying Good bye to Friends

Part of what was so hard about living in Virginia was having to say good bye to so many friends.

Two of my best buddies Liz and Melissa. Liz is now in Georgia waiting for new orders and Melissa is in Washington reunited with her family.

Lindsay, Amanda, Corrine and I enjoying a Sunday brunch. Lindsay is now in Georgia, Amanda is in Oklahoma and Corrine is now in Texas.

This is at a going away party for Ainy who moved to Texas. I love all of these ladies and had a hard time saying goodbye to every one of them.

Ladies who were/are such a blessing and encouragment!

...and more then I have pictures of. Love and miss my VA bff's


TheGeez said...

Wow! Thanks girl- you are awesome. You need to blog more. Come to think of it, so do I! Love you!